The ending thus becomes a more violent version of the Fight Club ending. After her death, Sophie went crazy and started imagining her, which would make Diana a split personality. Here's some fringe theory for you.what if there is NO Diana? Her mom just had telekinesis or something, after all apparently Diana could Mind Screw people too so maybe that's why they were being experimented on.Considering she's manifesting through Sophie's mind, it's possible she appears as whatever age Sophie is.If Diana was physically destroyed as a child, then why would her spirit appear as an adult? Shouldn't she be appearing as a ghostly child instead? Is it fully capable of growing like a normal human?.However, perhaps that was a case of Then Let Me Be Evil, or even I Didn't Mean to Kill Him - she could, after all, have been confined to the basement with minimal contact prior to manifesting that ability, and even then she might not have had strong control over that ability to start with.Given that we get that quick flashback with a man (father?) lying on the couch dead, having written "Get out of my head" in blood, while she was in the corner. I'm going to guess that she was "evil" before being institutionalized.One that's been bugging me - was Diane actually evil prior to her institutionalization? After all, it wouldn't be the first time a parent overreacted to a child having an abnormal condition by all-but imprisoning them.

Diana can turn off electric lights by her mere presence - we see her do it a bunch of time.